Touch Therapies

I offer a limited number of stand alone Craniosacral Therapy, SE Touch Therapy and Reiki sessions.

  • Craniosacral Therapy and SE Touch offer gentle, non-invasive means to support the nervous system, as well as tissue release and reorganization. They are leading-edge treatments that facilitate trauma resolution.

    Treatments take place on a massage table with the client fully clothed. My touch is subtle. The effects are profound.

  • Reiki is a system of hands-on energy healing. Treatments focus on balancing the body’s life-force energy.

    Healing occurs on all levels - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Special attention is paid to the chakras, energy centres in the body that are rich with nerve and blood plexis.

    Treatments take place on a massage table with the client fully clothed. As with Craniosacral Therapy, my touch is light, subtle and still. Clients often drift off into the liminal space between sleep and consciousness.


60-minute session $160 + HST

90-miinute session $240 + HST

My practice is full until early 2025. Please reach out to be added to my waitlist.